Hello again,

Hey every one! I know I’ve been gone for a while now, but the last few weeks have been insane what with school, work, and my car breaking down…. My mom also went into the hospital this morning with what they think is pneumonia (so anyone who feels comfortable praying it would be very welcome) I’m hoping to start writing again a little more in the coming days. I also want to give a warm welcome to my newest followers

twistingsuburbia  at http://twistingsuburbia.wordpress.com to read  “Stories from a skewed soccer mom” her posts are so guaranteed to make you smile 🙂

Belief  at http://believingandbeyond.wordpress.com is actually a good friend of mine who I can’t wait to see this summer!!! She is girl who is very wise and a very good writer, definitely check out this site.

Jenni  at http://jenniferann1970.wordpress.com who is also very amazing, she agreatwriter who is very good at making her opinions clear and definitly gives you food for thought… Love reading her posts

professorchallenger23 at http://lotsofmarblesinajar.wordpress.com Is actually a blog that is written by several people, they are modern day philosophers and poets (not in the sense that they necessarily write poetry but there words and ideals are poetry)

Thank you everyone for the continued support, it really means a lot… here’s to the future and more posts…


8 thoughts on “Hello again,

      • It is definitely not a fun experience, But people were very supportive and that really helped all of us pull through 🙂 I’m glad too 😀 Pretty good 🙂 I’ve been using acrylics which are harder then I expected I’ll have to post some picture’s later… Hows writing? I’m trying to get back in the flow myself 😀

      • Ah, writing, it’s been dead for 10 days. I got some wonderful positive feedback on how I could improve a book story I’m working on and even though it flows much better now, I got attacked with serious ‘writers self-doubt’. So I’m trying now to ease myself back into t too.

        Acrylics, ouch, they are awful to work with. I think it’s a medium that needs a lot of practice and paience… Good luck with it!??

        We’ve got a new set of horses in the field; they are not as gentle/friendly as the others were – the two big ones decided to have a duel over who gets the most carrots! But I soon broke them up. Still, I’ll go see them again. 🙂

      • I’m sorry to hear that. Definitely been there! Haha thanks. Yes more patience then I have apparently. I had to take a 4 day break for a smallish painting I’m doing, the nice thing about acrylics though is you can always paint over a mistake.. That’s such an amazing thing to have! I’m sure you’ll soon have them both minding there manners in no time 😀

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